“Kentucky Forage & Grassland Council provides practical, research-based pasture, hay, baleage, and silage information.  We provide professional development for producers, scientists, educators, and industry representatives.  KFGC is an affiliate of the American Forage & Grassland Council. Forages are the cornerstone for livestock operations.  We're here to help make your forage and livestock operation successful, using the latest research-based technologies.” We are proud to be members!

“The Kentucky Cattlemen's Association, a grassroots organization with 99 chapters in 120 counties, works to protect, advance and be a strong voice for the state's 38,000 + cattle producers. KCA’s mission is to provide a strong proactive voice for all of Kentucky’s beef farm families, serve as a resource for information and education for producers, consumers and the industry and be a catalyst for enhancing producer sustainability.” We are happy to join the Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association.

"Kentucky Proud stands for foods, nursery items, crafts, agritourism sites, farmers' markets, state parks, and many other products and destinations with roots in Kentucky soil. Kentucky Proud foods are raised, grown, or processed in Kentucky by Kentuckians. You can serve Kentucky Proud foods to your family with the confidence that they came from your friends and neighbors just down the road — not from thousands of miles away.

When you buy a product with the Kentucky Proud label: 1) You are buying the freshest, most nutritious food possible. 2) You are keeping your dollars close to home. 3) You are helping a Kentucky farm family earn a living. 4) You are reducing the miles that the food has to travel from the farm to your plate."

The American Pastured Poultry Producers Association is a non-profit trade organization that encourages the production, processing, marketing, and purchasing of poultry raised on pasture. We see pastured poultry as the model for environmentally, emotionally, and economically sensible poultry production that can feed your local communities uniquely nutritious, delicious, and humanely-raised chicken, eggs, turkey, ducks, geese and guineas.